
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Definitely what I'm not.

Consistent, that is.

I've ran several races. Walk-run for some. Slow, slow run for others. I've joined last year's Timex, Big Blue Run and Philstar. I've joined this year's Bull Run, Run for Home, Mizuno, Run Rio 1 and 2. I've even tried a trail run. But I haven't really been able to stick to a weekly sched.

I even signed up for the gym and had a great 2 - 3 week workout stint. Heck, I even lost weight. But I've been in a hiatus again.

Tomorrow will be a week since I laced up. I've found different reasons to stop me.

This is bad, bad, bad.

Consistency. Yes I know I haven't learned it yet. That and discipline. I've also been told that I'm bad at things related to being time-bound. Plus the fact that I carry with me a big baggage of drama.

I need an overhaul.

And yes, I know I need to learn to be consistent.

But for now, I want to run...

.... away.


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