
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The thought of a non-runner writing about running sounds like a pretentious idea, I would suppose.

In my case, the idea of running to begin with, already sounds pretentious, given that I've never been athletic my whole life. I used to fancy myself as active or sporty growing up, but whether it was due to my parents being too protective or because I was just plain "lampa", that idea remained as a figment of my imagination. And as I began to pack on the pounds as a young adult, that whole daydream got farther and farther from my reality.

Thing is, it was probably this whole weight issue too that got me started on running. I just got pissed at how I looked like in front of the mirror. And I got scared that my flab would take a toll on my health already. With a little coaching and encouragement from a buddy (no, a whole lot, actually), I took the first step (literally).

That was end 2009. Fast forward to today, the 2nd of June, 2010. I still don't run as frequently or consistently as I want. I'm still a turtle. And I still think of myself as a "non-runner". But so far, I've found that there is something to running. Enough to let the writing catch up with it.

So this is my story.


Nora, the golden girl July 13, 2010 at 3:57 AM  

Patty, I was also a non-runner when I started my blog in May 2007. Blogging about the ups and downs of training kept me inspired and the support of the running community helped me stay on the right track.

Like you, I had weight problems to resolve. Imagine me weighing more than my heaviest pregnancy!

It's OK if at times you miss your short run, tempo run or interval speed workout but try your very best not to miss your long run. Don't forget the 10% rule to avoid injury.

Training cannot be rushed. If you missed 1 week or weeks of training, don't skip what you're supposed to do. Go back where you stopped. You're only 29. You've got all the time in the world. Like you, I have never been athletic. I was so unfit when I began my physical fitness program that I trained for 1 whole year for my first 5K (Ironically, it took me only 3 months and 2 weeks to train for my first marathon).

You can do it Patty. Soon, heads will turn at your 36-26-36 figure.

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