Happy Memory

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

I woke up early yesterday to avoid long queues in the basketball court, which was the designated polling place for our village.

I did pretty much the same thing on the last Monday of October, three years ago, when we had the last Barangay elections.

Do you remember where you were 3 years ago? While I generally have grown more and more forgetful of names and birthdays, I surprisingly have vivid Kodak photos in my head of that long weekend. How my friends and I drank before the liquor ban and listened to videoke singing that Saturday night. How much I panted while trying to run the day after. On the road, along Katipunan Extension, listening to Colbie Caillat singing Bubbly. Lunch with Divine. QCMC - with its bubbles and bicycles. Nanette's burrito.

I decided to relive a happy memory by trying to learn how to ride a bike again.

One bicycle swap and 40 minutes later, I still was at square 1. But I remembered happy, and I just smiled to myself. I would have wanted to stay and linger in the park, or even try biking some more. But I promised Jed and Karlo I'd take them to Yeu, and I didn't want to be late. (Esp. since the last time I saw Jed was 13 years ago.)

I'd go back, do the bike thing again. Soon. After all, the unlikely triathlete will still be one someday. Soon.


PT Sessions

I met Anne last Sunday. That was for my 1st PT session, which consisted mostly of lying on my tummy for a good 30 minutes or so, with hot compress and ultrasound being applied to my feet.

I would have fallen asleep if not for the questionnaire she was required to go through with me. I think she was one of the more senior therapists, and I immediately warmed up to her because of her cheery disposition. I had her laughing when she asked me for any heart conditions and I replied "broken". ;p

The rest of the session included feet stretching and exercises using rubber tubing. I also had to crumple a towel using my toes. The finale was 20 minutes on a stationary bike. I did 3+km (And applying Coach Ige's math, that would mean effort equivalent to a 1km jog for my legs)


PT session # 2 this morning was with Anna. More soft-spoken and gentle.

I basically did the same routine as with last Sunday. Anna just recommended though that I do some of the exercises at home. I could look for the rubber tube (she calls it Theratube.) in the sporting goods shops.

I've been recommended to avoid flats without proper support, and to use my rubber shoes as much as possible when walking...

The non-runner really misses running...


On a happier note, I found myself thinking that Medical City would be a nice place to practice medicine in. Something about its design and scale makes it feel more homey and humane. I guess I'd be able to articulate it better in the next few days.



Monday, October 25, 2010

I haven't been able to make time to write the last few days. Been busy. It's actually been a rich 3-day weekend. The kind you want to share about. Maybe that's why I was a bit reluctant to muster the strength and find the time to write. I would have loved to talk more.


I'd have to put off the writing for tonight or tomorrow though. Still a busy day. JCG meeting in and 2 1/2 hours, and I just came in 30 minutes ago after my PT. Time to work some magic. :)

Yeah, I'd still write so that I'd remember, for that time when we can talk already about it.

For now though, it's time to lose myself in my work, in my music.

Flo Rida's been in my head the last few days. Happy, in-the-zone music. Can't wait to be able to run again. This would feel good in my playlist.

Watchin' you watchin' me, I go all out...


Friday, October 22, 2010

long day. far from being over.

i am so ready to look for running shoes and run tonight.


I Don't Know How to Name this Blog Post

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I don't know the best title for this most, mainly because I don't know how to articulate what I'm feeling right now.

I got home 30 minutes ago. And I'm ready to hit the sack. But I need to articulate what I feel, so I'm trying to muster the strength to write.

It feels like a long day, even if I didn't go to work. I practically spent the whole afternoon and some part of the evening at the hospital -- talking to doctors, but mostly waiting. I was able to tuck in some work and business stuff, but with all the walking around from clinic to clinic, that's actually not that much. I'm grateful at least that Medical City, being (still) fairly new was a comfy enough hospital to hang out in.

I was also lucky to have found my HMO card in one of the envelopes in my room. The checkups wouldn't have to be so costly this way. Picking out the doctors though is a lot like digging in a bag of jelly beans -- you're not quite sure how good the one you got is.

Another lucky strike for me -- it turns out that Dr. Asedillo is an Orthopedic Surgeon who specialized in joint problems. I overheard that he also taught in med school, and his inclination for teaching was quite evident in how he explained my condition, diagrams and all.

He confirmed that I did have bone spurs, but corrected the notion that these were causing the pain. He explained that I could have had some torn tissue and that caused the bone to cement itself, or add protection, thus the outgrowth.

He said that I had 2 concerns -- plantar fasciitis and peroneal tendonitis. Several reasons could be aggravating my condition: using the wrong shoes, my weight and being a heel striker. All 3 of course could be corrected, but would likely take time. In the interim though, I was advised to take some meds, go for PT 3x a week for the next 2 weeks, and to lay off the running. :(

I was such a nerd that I brought my rubber shoes during my consult. I got the biggest surprise when he told me, by looking at the wear pattern of my soles that I had the tendency to underpronate/supinate. Damn. I've been wearing rubber shoes specifically designed for people who overpronate for the last 9 or 10 months. I even remember the time I took the running test to check for my gait. Urg.

Doc said that I could run again after the PT. I breathed a sigh of relief.

That didn't last long though. The rehab med doctor I saw after wasn't as comforting. He told me that the spurs would never go away and that at best, they could strengthen my feet through therapy, which hopefully will minimize the pain. I could try running after the PT, once the pain goes away. But if it returns, it might be best for me to lay off running all together. :(

He also said that I had a quite high arch, which was contrary to what the running machines said. Howell. I guess it's best to trust the doctors.

I might really have been wearing the wrong pair all along. Hay. I should have learned more of the theory last year when I was starting.

While I know that there is definitely a silver lining somewhere (being forced to learn how to bike and swim for instance), I feel... bad? sad? It might seem weird for a non-athlete to feel this kind of a loss. (I can only imagine how devastated real athletes feel when they're sidelined.)

It feels stupid to have signed up for all these races and not be able to run. (I wonder if I can change distances. Ang yabang kasi e.)

Running is good pain medication. It's been the me-time I could have under my own terms. It's indulgence I could justify and not feel guilty about. Howell. Damn. I just have to be a big kid and hold out for now while I can't have it.

How I wish the anchor wasn't so far away. Would have been comforting to talk this out. Eyes blinking furiously now.

Howell. I hope all goes well. Maybe this is just God's way of telling me that I now have the chance to learn how to run properly.

I'm going to sleep this off. I'd be better in the morning. With everything that's going on, the earliest time for my 1st PT session is next Sunday, first thing in the morning.

I was reminded to take note of my therapist's name when I show up this weekend -- Anne. Ok then. :)


Yesterday's Running Misadventure

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I gave in to my body last night and decided to have my feet checked. I was actually fine after my quick exercise yesterday. But, as the day progressed, the pain went along with it.

So it was hospital tripping for me at 9:30, after everything I had to finish for the night. In a span of a month or so, I have seen the insides of Capitol Med, St. Luke's at the Fort, and the fairly new Makati Med. Not the kind of record I want to hold, I must say.
The doctor said that they saw bone spurs on both feet. (Both feet! Akalain mo nga naman! Mana sa amo ang dalawang paa ko, hindi marunong pareho magpatalo! Hay.)
What are bone spurs? According to the doctor and my research, they're basically excess growth / projections along the edge of the bone. According to Doc Che, there is no single isolated cause for this and it happens to many people. The xray technician though was saying that it might be due to my running since it's a high-impact sport.

They bandaged my foot to alleviate the pain. While it looks goofy having both your feet wrapped up, I must say that I'm glad they did. The extra support is actually helpful.

I was very lucky to be wearing my Accel slippers last night. They're the kind that you can adjust so it was actually able to accommodate my bulky bandaged feet, still allowing me to drive home. Over a year after I got them, I realized that it was really fortuitous that they were given to me. (Just goes to show that maybe things really do happen in our lives for a reason.)

Extreme cases require surgery for treatment. I don't want to have to go through that route. (Lilihain daw ang buto para matanggal. Urg.) Doc Che says that I can still run, but I just might be advised to wear some sort of heel pads to cushion impact.

For someone who doesn't like going to get checked, I easily decided to go on leave today. More than the bothersome pain, the prospect of not being able to run is enough for me to go get help. ('Twas just uncomfy and difficult to have to explain at work that I'm going on SL, AGAIN.)

Gotta get this fixed. I don't want to give up on my running and weight loss goals for the last quarter just yet.

Next task: find my health card, find a doctor. I just might visit the gastro while I'm at it. The past weeks' #2s don't look too healthy either.


30 Minutes

Monday, October 18, 2010

I was hoping I could squeeze in a quick jog last night, but I ended up having a 9pm meeting, so me-time was bumped off to this morning. It's ok though - last night's meeting was another win, another item added to my list of "winning in small doses".

I did a 15min walk, and then a 30min run-walk which is a 1 min walk for every 5 minutes of running. (thanks coach!)

I'm feeling some pain in my right ankle again though :( Going down the gym stairs wasn't exactly the happiest thing to do this morning. Howell.

Hope this subsides soon.


Yesterday's Running Adventure

Yesterday's running adventure did not include a run. ;)

I was supposed to have my (ambitious) first 15k yesterday at McKinley Hill. I know God heard all my prayers the night before, but I guess He said "Not now, my child", because I woke up at 3am and felt slight pain in my ankles. I decided to skip the run and go back to bed. Better to swallow my pride (and let 500 bucks go down the drain, urg), let my feet get better, and do proper training, than to risk getting a serious injury. [Goal reset to November 21. For real.]

Later in the day, I decided to sneak in a visit to A Runner's Circle in between errands and meetings. (This is one of those because-TBR-said-so things, hehe.)

I got myself a Foot Wheel to alleviate the pain in my soles, plus a new pair of running socks, and a whole lot of inputs from their friendly owners & staff -- Robin, Perkins, Sue and John. Perkins checked for my gait (and validated that I did have the tendency to overpronate). He also let me take the Aertex foot scan, which showed that I had the tendency to shift my weight to my left side. (So I have to consciously pull it back a little to my correct center.)

I loved the fact that they plan to revive the spirit of running in Manila (e.g. running along Roxas Blvd) and that they would be open as early as 8 or 9am on weekends. (This could just be a good reason to change running venues on weekends. I've always have a soft spot for quaint Manila anyway. Wouldn't it be nice to do a run by the bay, buy a new pair of socks to treat yourself every now and then, and get breakfast at Pancake House or Aristocrat? Sweet!)

It looks like I've found a new happy place too. :)

Check out A Runner's Circle at Aloha Hotel, 2150 Roxas Blvd.cor.Quirino Ave. Malate, Manila.



Saturday, October 16, 2010

My foot discomfort, which shuttles back and forth from serious to minor pain, now has me researching things like plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. They seem to be the closest descriptions to what I feel. I haven't been able to figure out though what the pain on top of my foot (well, closer to the sides actually, closer to the ankle) is.

Patrick keeps on chiding me to have it checked. As usual, I'm buying time, hoping it goes away soon.

Damn it. I so badly want to run tomorrow. I want to finish October strong, so that November is a silver month. And I want to clear my head to prepare myself for the next big push. Running should help. Damn, I want to run. I don't care if it's slow. I don't care if I'm last in the pack. I just want to run.

Tomorrow is my deadline. If I ain't ok yet, then doctor's clinic it is.

Funny how I've been scaring myself with thoughts that I won't be able to run anymore. Haha, as if I were an elite athlete. But the thought of never being able to experience the fullness of running scares me.

I should lose weight faster. This should ease up the discomfort I feel.

Maybe I should take swimming lessons already. Or make the learning-how-to-ride-a-bike thing work. And then get a bike. Haha. But then I go back to my ultimate dilemma of time and money.

I really need to fix this. Getting strong and fit I mean. So I can run more. I am already so envious of Toto and Manong doing their 3x a week training with the Milo clinic.

Haha. I am so rambling here.

I just want to be good enough to run again. Running here and now gives my heart hope. Like a lifesaver, I think it is the only one thing left that ties me back to my coach. I know, I know -- that's a very loose (bordering on stupid) connection to make. But that's how I feel. For my sanity's sake, I need to believe that things will get better someday.

Enough with the rambling. Time to go to bed. This won't let me have anywhere near 6 hours of sleep. And I will be dead tired in the afternoon.

Sana po talaga Lord, makatakbo ako bukas.


Walang Himala

Friday, October 15, 2010

Author's note: This post serves to retract the previous post made. ;)

Ok, enough said.
I found myself limping again last night after passing by the Pav. I may have judged too prematurely. Damn.

If my health card weren't MIA, I would swing by the ER later. Haha. Kuripot.


Isang Himala!

That's exactly what I wanted to shout earlier. Except that I was in the middle of a meeting when I thought of it. We were in the middle of discussing our PR plan this afternoon when I realized that my ankles and the soles of my feet weren't really hurting anymore.

To validate, I decided to pace back and forth our office hallway right after the meeting. (Jolainne started to laugh when I explained what I was doing!) I'd give my feet a grade of 90%, hehe. There's still a slight discomfort, but this is oh so much better than the past 4 days.

So what happened? Let me backtrack to last night.

Since Bengay was no longer as helpful, and since walking had become such a big punishment, I decided to get a foot massage after the BP. Yes, it was already 10:45pm and it would have been my 2nd foot rub in a week (which was already too indulgent), but I had to do something.
I figured that if that didn't help, then I would really have to go have a checkup. (Which was also something I was reluctant to do, considering that it's been less than a month since my last ER visit.)

I limped my way to Yeu Sole + Body Massage along Gamboa (behind AIM). It's been my favorite massage place this year for so many reasons -- the care with which the therapists apply the massage, the quaint room details that help you relax more, and the fact that the prices are fairly reasonable.

My "injury" gave me a reason to try their signature Yeu Sole to Sole massage, which was good for an hour. The treatment included a Vietnamese natural facial and a quick hand massage making my 450 payment more than worth it. I don't really know what Grace did exactly with my feet -- I was already knocked out after the facial and arm rub. :) Yeu by the way stands for "love" in Vietnamese. True to its name, the massage was a really good way to love myself last night.

I still felt pain though on my way home and when I got up this morning. I was already ready to call it quits and go back to the hospital. Up until my wonderful realization during the meeting earlier. :)

I hope this lasts. Can't have too many body parts hurting at the same time, right?

Can't wait to give my feet a test run. :)



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

After about a year of following her blog, I finally met her in person! Yes,her, the Bullrunner! :)

For a while, I was a little starstruck, hehe. I shook Jaym
ie Pizarro's hand and introduced myself. I was so happy that she remembered Run to Read and associated us with it. :)

Who wudda thunk that I would enjoy running so much that I'd find a couple of idols to look up to? :) I wanted to have my picture taken with her, but I was just too shy. I ended up requesting that I take her and hubby's photo instead.

Jaymie & Miguel Pizarro

I walked away from the experience remembering how real a person she is, and how she just kept on smiling throughout the whole session.


I was supposed to run yesterday morning, but I woke up late. So I just shoved my (puto bumbong) purple dri-fit and cutoffs in my bag and said I'd run before going home.

The talk probably inspired me enough to push through with the jog, even if I still felt discomfort in my right ankle. iPods are good for moments like this -- the music's beat, together with the cadence of your feet hitting the pavement, drowns out the sound of your body groaning.

I walked one round of Boni High to warm up and I lost myself counting 9-1 when I did 2 rounds of jogging after, that I temporarily forgot about the pain. I was brought back to reality though when I cooled down with another round of walking. The right ankle was cursing its master with every step. :(

Patrick didn't hear me correctly the other day when I asked him for the Filipino translation of ankle and had answered me "Tito". Haha. So we now fondly have named my ankles Tito Right and Tito Left. Sadly, Tito R and Tito L are both hurting now. I understand that Tito R's been having a fit since Sunday. What I don't get is why Tito L decided to join this morning. I hobbled from the parking basement to our building, trying not to wince as much. I really have to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Until then, the mantra is "Bengay is my friend."


Something to Look Forward to..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Something I'm looking forward to.... :)
I'm both excited for and anxious about the obstacle course portion. I don't know what we'd be doing, but I know I need to prepare for activities which will likely require upper body strength (which I don't have much of!)

Here's to more firsts for 2010!



Monday, October 11, 2010

The much awaited day finally came. And I joined thousands of other Filipinos who wanted to put the country back on the Guinness' map, as I said I would.

I ran (my usual slow run) past the 8k mark. It actually suprised me that I lasted that long considering my it's been quite a long time since my last long run. I ended up walking the last 2km since the heat got to me, and I got confused with the lack of directionals.

Lucky to have been started late for this race, because at least the crowd eased up bit at the end. I missed out on getting the souvenir band though.

A day after, my right ankle still feels sore, despite having gotten the foot rub yesterday. (Last week it was the left. Now it's the right.) I wonder how I'd manage next weekend...



Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Initially negotiated with my alarm clock.
Excitedly got out of bed after realizing it was a gym day.
Walked. Ran. My 3.5k.

The scale read 156lbs by the way.
We're going down, down, down.
Mental note: Day 7. the General Motors thing seems to have worked. my insides feel better. and no terrible hyperacidity attack yet.

Business meeting over lunch. Another item checked off for the work list.
Not bad.

It must be the running. It's in the winning in small doses, I guess.

Just one last hump -- the stillness of 6pm. Fingers crossed.



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tomorrow. I promise. I will.


Reason to Run # 16 -- I run because....they're waiting for me at the finish line

Your friends. Your family.
Your future.

They're waiting for you at the finish line.

Or perhaps someone.
You love.
Who loves you.
Believes in you.
Patiently waiting for you, slowpoke you.

At the finish line.


Good to Go

Monday, October 4, 2010

While I have always been reluctant to get a checkup, the prospect of not running was enough to get me to the doctor.

The resident found my left foot to be slightly swollen so I was rolled up to Radiology for some xrays.

40 minutes later, I was told that there was nothing broken. Nothing dislocated. Nothing in my ankle at least.

Just a little more warm compress and I should be good to go.


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