Yesterday's Running Adventure
Monday, October 18, 2010
Yesterday's running adventure did not include a run. ;)
I was supposed to have my (ambitious) first 15k yesterday at McKinley Hill. I know God heard all my prayers the night before, but I guess He said "Not now, my child", because I woke up at 3am and felt slight pain in my ankles. I decided to skip the run and go back to bed. Better to swallow my pride (and let 500 bucks go down the drain, urg), let my feet get better, and do proper training, than to risk getting a serious injury. [Goal reset to November 21. For real.]
Later in the day, I decided to sneak in a visit to A Runner's Circle in between errands and meetings. (This is one of those because-TBR-said-so things, hehe.)
I got myself a Foot Wheel to alleviate the pain in my soles, plus a new pair of running socks, and a whole lot of inputs from their friendly owners & staff -- Robin, Perkins, Sue and John. Perkins checked for my gait (and validated that I did have the tendency to overpronate). He also let me take the Aertex foot scan, which showed that I had the tendency to shift my weight to my left side. (So I have to consciously pull it back a little to my correct center.)
I loved the fact that they plan to revive the spirit of running in Manila (e.g. running along Roxas Blvd) and that they would be open as early as 8 or 9am on weekends. (This could just be a good reason to change running venues on weekends. I've always have a soft spot for quaint Manila anyway. Wouldn't it be nice to do a run by the bay, buy a new pair of socks to treat yourself every now and then, and get breakfast at Pancake House or Aristocrat? Sweet!)
It looks like I've found a new happy place too. :)
Check out A Runner's Circle at Aloha Hotel, 2150 Roxas Blvd.cor.Quirino Ave. Malate, Manila.
very nice adventure with so much to enjoy and things learned. :)
hey running atom! :) kamusta na? if you haven't been to ARC, do go. the people there are really helpful. :)
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